These are my personal favorites of all YouTube channels. It has been encouragement for me to continue with my scientific studies and they keep showing you how awesome everything around us from fire, space and old civilizations is. Together they all share one common interest. They all are in love with science.
Made by the two awesome charismatic brothers John (who’s also known for the book “The fault in our stars”) and Hank Green. Together they create informative lectures on world history, chemistry and biology. With sweet animations and explanations.
Great animated videos that explains things. Like evolution, time, space, global energy or our existence in this strange universe.
Beardy physics guy. Think the embedded video says enough. visit
SciShow discusses science news and history and concepts. With equal parts of skepticism and enthusiasm, they go a little deeper…without going to deep off the end.
Minute Physics. Cool physics and other sweet science explained through doodles.
“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
Physics, Science
2015-03-26 @ 18:35
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